lionel richie

May 7, 2015
Dancing on the Ceiling with Lionel Richie
Adrian on tour with Lionel Richie in Quebec.
2012 With Prince and Lionel Richie
I’d like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. 2012 was a wonderful year for myself. I toured with legends like Lionel Richie, and the symbol of music and fashion in my life, PRINCE! I cannot wait to see what adventures 2013 will bring, but whatever comes I like to say thanks to all of you for continuing to experience all of this with me! The road never gets lonely because I have all of you! Much Love And Peace! Happy New Year!!!!!

July 11, 2012
On Tour with Lionel Richie
WOW this past week has been so amazing! I’ve been traveling with the LEGENDARY Lionel Richie, along with MD GREAT Chuckii Booker. I’m having a blast and feel totally blessed to have this opportunity. Thank you Mr. Richie!

August 11, 2011
In Canada with Lionel Richie
Hey folks! I’m back in Canada with the amazing Mr. Lionel Richie tomorrow night! This is gonna’ be fun!